A mini adventure with a twist……………..

So today I planned to go and find Little Owls and Kestrels, however knowing my luck in the past I thought I make it a bit more interesting and travel light (ish) and take one camera and one lens ! So it was the Nikon D4 and my 200 - 500mm 5.6f lens, it wasn’t a hard decision due to the fact that I intended to find birds that would be some distance from me. First stop Kestrels …………………..this is what I got instead.

No Kestrels seen ! but the sun was shinning and the blossom was blooming, with beautiful nature all around, I learnt early on with photographing nature never to be disappointed but to just keep an open mind and look to see what is around you. Next stop was for Little owls and once again no luck but this is what I did find.

Day old lambs, so so cute and living on a local farm to me with an amazing farm shop, I’ve driven past @Waysidefarm loads of times without realising they have a wonderful farm shop, so I topped up my groceries, met the lovely ladies running the place and got to see the lovely little lambs enjoying the sun too.

Even had a Buzzard over head too, I do love being able to support local businesses so i’ll be back to Wayside Farm soon (check them out on Facebook). Back on the road to the second spot for Little owls but once again none to be seen but oh the nature that was around.

Starling, Dunnock, Red Kite with what looked light nesting material in its mouth and clown sheep !!

Don’t forget all of these photos were taken with the Nikon 200 to 500mm lens, the last stop was a nature reserve surrounded by quarry works, sad to see us destroying our landscapes but nature still struggles on the best it can, this time I did get to see a Kestrel but only got a photo of it’s arse as it flew away, but I did this this lot.



I can’t tell you how hard it was to try to capture a Hoverfly in flight with the 200 -500mm lens, but wanted to see if I could. Birds nesting and feeding, surprised to see the Parakeets.

Got to see the Crested Grebe there were at least two pairs on the water.

I did manage to get some in flight shots too, firstly of the Goldfinch after drinking from the little river and then of the Heron which is amazing in flight.

If you’ve made it this far then well done and I hope this motivates you to get outside, all of these photos were taken within a 7 mile radius of where I live, I really do love this time of year and especially after what we’ve all been through, so many butterflies around today too I was so happy to see them, only managed to capture three species, Orange tip, Comma and a White who needs a macro lens.

My arty photo of the day was this little tree in the water, to me it looks a bit like a fisherman throwing one of those expanding fishing nets, but maybe that’s just me. Sometimes one camera and one lens is all you need. Happy Sunday.

The fishing tree………

The fishing tree………


I found a tree and what a tree it was………..


Let there be light …………